collage giardini naxos

Giardini – Naxos, a splendid tourist and seaside destination in Sicily

Today we will talk about Giardini – Naxos, a splendid tourist and seaside destination in Sicily. It is located in the province of Messina and is close to Taormina. We are sure it will arouse your curiosity! In ancient times, the city was only called ” Giardini ”. The city council, on the proposal of Read more about Giardini – Naxos, a splendid tourist and seaside destination in Sicily[…]

(Italiano) RisuonaItalia a Palermo: l’evento musicale da non perdere!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Oggi vi vogliamo parlare di un bellissimo progetto musicale da non perdere… RisuonaItalia. Tante piazze, una sola comunità 2020! “RisuonaItalia. Tante piazze, Read more about (Italiano) RisuonaItalia a Palermo: l’evento musicale da non perdere![…]

(Italiano) Palermo, turismo e passione: gli amici di Palermo Wonders

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

“Benvenuti a Palermo! Benvenuti in una splendida città, degna di essere visitata al pari delle più ambite, come Roma, Firenze e Venezia. Chi si reca oggi in Sicilia sa che vale la pena visitare il capoluogo. Vuole vedere i Quattro Canti, la Martorana, la Cappella Palatina, la Fontana della Vergogna. Oggi Palermo è una città nota per la sua arte. Chi non la conosce è curioso. Chi ci è già stato in passato, magari 20 anni fa, vuole rivederla con nuovi occhi. Perché forse non aveva visitato nulla o soltanto poche cose.” Inizia così il racconto del nostro amico, Mauro Amato, guida turistica di eccezione della città che tanto amiamo, che insieme ai suoi fratelli ha creato una splendida realtà che vuole raccontare la città. Palermo, turismo e passione: tre elementi che accomunano noi di SicilyandSicilians e i nostri amici di Palermo Wonders.


Sicily: combining sustainability, tradition and innovation!

If you, too, can no longer stand your computer keyboard, the hubbub of cities, meetings, and smart-working, take a break and book a trip to discover Sicily, among sustainability, tradition, and innovation. Natural Riservation of Zingaro The first destination to visit is the Zingaro Nature Reserve (San Vito Lo Capo). The area consists of high Read more about Sicily: combining sustainability, tradition and innovation![…]

The Sicilian-Italian dictionary

It is well known that Sicilians love their dialect and guard it with jealousy. That is why this column was made, which we decided to call The Sicilian-Italian Dictionary. Dialect or language? In academic circles, the idiom of Sicily is often referred to as ”Sicilian dialect‘,’ being classifiable as ”primary roman dialect”. Other scholars, including Read more about The Sicilian-Italian dictionary[…]

An Oscar square

Not everyone knows that the Palazzo Adriano’s square has become famous in the film “Nuovo Cinema Paradiso” by Tornatore. The two country’s souls live with it in the square, where there are the Church of Maria SS. Assunta and the Church of Maria SS. del Lume. The first is used by Greek-Albanian, the second is Read more about An Oscar square[…]

(Italiano) La tradizionale festa di Sant’Agata, patrona di Catania

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Vi avevamo parlato di Santa Lucia, patrona di Siracusa. Oggi, invece, vi parleremo della tradizionale festa di Sant’Agata, patrona di Catania, dove Read more about (Italiano) La tradizionale festa di Sant’Agata, patrona di Catania[…]

The Woman in Sicily

The sicilian soul expresses itself through the proverbs. They represent a secular knowledge and inspire the behaviours and the way you act. In particular, there are several proverbs reffered to women. The figure of woman in Sicily is very linked to the role of wife and mother. The man is the head of household, but Read more about The Woman in Sicily[…]

The Cribs

The Cribs are the symbol of Christmas. The Cribs-Statues and the traditions are different all over the world. In Sicily there are especially two characters in every Crib: The “Scantato” and the “Lagnuso”. The first, the “Scantato”, i.e. the “Frightened”, is motionsless, with wide arms, the hat in the hand and the lost and enchanted Read more about The Cribs[…]

(Italiano) La festa di Santa Lucia a Siracusa

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Quando pensiamo alla Sicilia, ci vengono subito in mente le sue spiagge cristalline, il suo patrimonio artistico e culturale e il suo Read more about (Italiano) La festa di Santa Lucia a Siracusa[…]

San Vito Lo Capo e Lo Zingaro

San Vito Lo Capo, in the province of Trapani, is famous for its sea and seaside, almost 3 Kilometres of golden sand, it has nothing to envy at the most known paradises of southern seas.  The Crystal-clear sea, the floor and the lack of streams make this area suitable also for inexperieced swimmers and for Read more about San Vito Lo Capo e Lo Zingaro[…]


Letojanni is a town of the province of Messina, placed at five metres above sea level. The center is divided in two parts by the namesake river. Until the half of XIX century, Letojanni was just a little fishermans’ village, now it is one of the most important tourist centers of Sicily. The notoriety of Read more about  Letojanni[…]

Surfin’ Siciliae!

Everyone knows that the province of Palermo is surrounded by amazing seashores. But not everyone knows that these shores are destinations of surfers and water sports addicted. Mondello, Cefalù, Trappeto, Cinisi are some favourite resorts for a surf day, with waves of almost 2 and half metres. Mondello, placed in Palermo, is a long spot of Read more about Surfin’ Siciliae![…]

(Italiano) Weekend alla scoperta dell’entroterra palermitano

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Se avete voglia di perdervi tra le bellezze siciliane, questo è l’itinerario che fa per voi! Un weekend alla scoperta dell’entroterra palermitano, Read more about (Italiano) Weekend alla scoperta dell’entroterra palermitano[…]

Beati Paoli

Beati Paoli is the name of a secretive sect of avengers, risen in Sicily, from XII century, with the aim to vindicate poor persons. The society was born to oppose against the excessive power of Nobles, whose administered directly even the criminal justice on their fief. In 1909 the writer Luigi Natoli gathered all the Read more about Beati Paoli[…]

Taormina….the pearl of the tourism in Sicily

Colourful, amazing, unusual,’s one of the Sicilian destinations preferred by the international tourism as well as the place of the first Greek installations to 300 b.C: Taormina . The original name of the little town was Tauromènion; there aren’t a lot of certain news on its birth. It was born by Greek installation, it Read more about Taormina….the pearl of the tourism in Sicily[…]

Monreale and its treasures

Monreale is a town in the province of Palermo, in Sicily, and it is famous all over the world mainly for its wonderful cathedral of the XII century. The church is a national monument of Italy and one of the most important artistical attractions of Sicily. The style of this monument is composite, made by Read more about Monreale and its treasures[…]


On the height of San Giuliano hill, overtopping Trapani, quiet between the clouds, there is the city of Erice. The city is surrounded by huge walls of  Elymian builiding (VII century.B.C.) with at its corners: the Norman Castle; the cathedral (1314), and the spanish quarter. The old town center has a typical Medieval city plant  Read more about  Erice[…]

Mostre estate Sicilia

Exhibition in Sicily for the end of summer!

The Sicily&Sicilians team is ready to go on vacation, but before greeting you for a short break, we leave you with a small collection of various exhibitions that are going on these last weeks of summer in Sicily!


Named the Technical Commission on “Made OF Sicily”

Welcome su Sicily & Sicilians! 🙂 Finally we can tell the names of the members of the Technical Commission that is evaluating the works of the artists invited to be part of the collective limited that they will exhibit their works themed “Excellencies Sicilian” to the  MostraEvento of “Made OF Sicily”. The members of the Read more about Named the Technical Commission on “Made OF Sicily”[…]