July 13, 2016

Who we are

The project Sicily&Sicilians was born from the Associazione Culturale MOSTRAMED. The project follows the steps of the successful experience of Sandro Aglialoro, of the passion for arts and the daily work with young people of  Vittoria Benzo and of the international experience as a translator of Francesco Caruso. Together they have developed this project to enhance the exellence of Sicily, by promoting art, culture and young sicilians people.

Sandro Aglialoro Team Sicily&Sicilians tondo


He studied economics and graduated at the Bocconi University of Milan with 110 cum laude with a degree in Strategic Marketing. He has an extensive professional experience in marketing and communication at national and international level in different sectors: finance, luxury, food & beverage, ICT and now finally in the artistic and social field. He has always worked in volunteering and six years ago he started to focus on social entrepreneurship with  Mostrami, a great collective of young artists who work at the national level. He would like to bring in Sicily his passion for young art and his project experience to replicate this success in his territory.


Vittoria Benzo Team Sicily&Sicilians tondo


She is an art and social lover. For several years she has been focusing on training and education to children and young people. She has held numerous workshops and she has acquired the skills to lead and coordinate them with full respect for the artistic talent of the individual and the creative spirit of the group.



He has a legal and literary formal education. He graduated in Law magna cum laude at the University of Palermo and earned a MBA in Intellectual Property Rights Management in Rome. In 2005 he left for the US, where he completed a M.A. in Italian at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and a Ph.D. in Italian Studies at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. His academic scholarship focuses on the literary history of the Italian Humanism and Renaissance. He is biligual (Italian/English) and he has been working as freelance translator, linguistic advisor, and film captioner for over ten years. Bibliophile, globetrotter, and movie buff, he works with cultural associations and movie festivals. His goal is to hunt down quality and share it, wherever it can be found.


Under the patronage and the contribution of:

Patrocini e partner progetto SicilyandSicilians